I've got itchy feet to start my next book now!!
I'm going to write a fantasy novel about humans that live in the clouds because the land has broken up. It sounds really dumb when I explain it like that, but I've got some great ideas swirling around in my head, and I cant seem to stop them flooding forth. So, I've been jotting down ideas all day yesterday, and I'm going to spend the next few weeks world building etc. I'm so excited. I'll have to email myself my NaNo novel and edit it at work, or do it at home in the evenings, and write this new book in the mornings on the train.
My aim this time is 100k! My daily wordcount aim will be 2k which I think is quite reasonable and will allow me to concentrate much more on quality rather than quantity.
I'm going to give myself 10 weeks to do it, with weekends and most evenings off. I'm going to try to treat it like a day job (even though I already have one of those!)
I'll get my wordcount thingy up for it soon and am going to start world building........... now!
1 comment:
Wow, sounds amazing. You go!
Well done on the 50k too!
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