
Monday, November 13, 2006

Day #13 Nano - Hey Ho, On We Go

Well, I had a pretty slow weekend words wise (only 858 in total), but it was a really nice break. I've got the day off work today so hopefully I can get my wordcount up and over 35k. I'm hoping to crack the 50k by November 20th. That gives me ten days to edit and polish before handing over my wordcount to the Nano counter and officially crossing the finish line.

Yay, cant wait!

I'm not going to dwell here on blogger, nor read too many other blogs today. I must get on. There are words that need writing, and I feel like I've got a fire up my arse! (The creative kind of fire, that is. Not the kind of fire that Johnny Cash named his song after. Haha!)

fingers crossed that beta blogger will run smoothly and let me post without showing that god-awful 'We're sorry...' message.

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