This is absolute crap.
I wrote a post. I pressed 'publish', and Beta says 'We're sorry, but we are unable to process this request' (I can just here the sickly sweet recording of a woman's voice saying this over and over in a monotone).
So I click 'back' and thankfully my post is still there. So I try again and click 'publish'.
Same 'We're sorry' message.
So I repeat.
And repeat again.
Still the same damn message!!
So this time I go back and save the damn post as a draft to post later, and when it brings up the page with a list of all my posts it shows that I've posted the same post FOUR TIMES! I thought it wasn't posted because of that stupid 'We're sorry' message.
So I tried to delete one....
...'We're sorry...'
Yeah, right, I'm really sure Beta is f****** sorry at pissing me off so early in the morning.
Computers suck. I'm going back to my Alphasmart to get some much needed nano words done.
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