
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Spring Cleaning

While Martin is doing his band thing downstairs, I'm going to spend my day spring cleaning - but not my house. I've got so much stuff clogged up in files all over my computer that its giving me a migraine. (I can see how using a computer which gives you migraines, while you actually have a migraine, is a stupid thing to do but I've never been the brightest spark in the galaxy).

I'm watching an old Star Trek movie at the moment. Well, not really watching it. The tv is on - I didn't turn it on, and I'm sitting in the same room as the tv. One can never help but to watch a tv that is on. I wonder if my tv would disappear from existence if I stopped watching it. Perhaps the fact that I am actually watching it is all that is keeping it 'alive' so to speak. I guess its like the tree in the forest thing - If a tree is cut down and there is no one to hear it does it actually make a sound?

I dont know, and I'm not going to find out. I like my tv. I like all tv's, and I fully admit to being a couch potato. I have found, though, that lately I'm becoming more of a computer potato. Mmm... potatoes, I might make some chips for lunch.

Anyway, I'm straying from my point. Not that I had a point in the first place.

I've just drafted two letters to send to my bank regarding two of my accounts. The bank charges on them amount to well over 1000 pounds and it makes me sick. I'm going to demand that they pay it back or I'll take them to court. Fingers crossed, I hope it works. I've got two second drafted letters ready to send if the first 'polite' letters dont work. The second letters are a bit more 'firm' and I'm hoping that some weak-minded nitwit of a bank manager wil read them and quake in their boots. Knowing my luck I'll get charged or fined for wasting the bank's time or something stupid like that.

Ooooo.. William Shatner is going to get attacked by some bad looking walking amphibian. Lucky he's on a planet with loads of Sulpher, Potassium Nitrate, and diamonds. I'm sure he'll come up with something incredibly ingenious and thwart the evil lizard. Hehehe. All his shipmates are watching him on a big screen with looks of horror on their faces (except for Spock.. he just looks like Spock).

At this point I should admit I am a sci-fi fan. Although not overly familiar with Star Trek, I do enjoy it, especially the bad (and I mean 'Doctor Who bad') villains that look like slow, dopey actors dressed up in costumes that are somewhat difficult to move in. Speaking of Doctor Who, I'm so pissed off they dropped Billie Piper. I thought she and David Tennant worked well together. Although I thought Christopher Eccleston was great too, until David Tennant filled his shoes. He's gotta be just one of the best Doctors ever!!

I'm such a geek.

I play chess too. I was in the chess club at school... and yes at one point I had no friends at all. (*sniff* kids can be so cruel sometimes!).

Pah... tis all past! I have embraced my geekiness now and I love it! I'm going to put all my geekiness together and create some pretty fantastic fantasy novels. But first I have to clean up my computer.

And change the tv channel. Shatner has thwarted the evil lizard with an ingenious plan using the planets natural resources, so I think its time to move on and watch a movie or something.

Hopefully later today I'll be able to put together all the links I've collected over the past few months into a huge bumper list. That'd be pretty handy to have them all together in one place. Especially when researching my book etc.

Yep. Good. Plan sorted.

Over and out.

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