I'm discovering the nightlife of London one bar/pub at a time.
My best friend from childhood (we not only went to the same schools we even went to the same kindergarten and have been neighbours all the while) moved to England in the same week as I did, but we did so totally independent of each other.
We catch up every now and again, and while she lives somewhere near Camden I'm way out in Kent. Its not too bad, its only 35-45 by train into London (and I do it every day to go to work), so I decided to ditch the hubby at home and go out with her last night.
She's single (-ish. Some bloke has been using her for years and she really likes him but as soon as he feels any commitment coming on he runs a mile. I haven't met him yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I feel like an older sister to my friend even though I'm only one month exactly older than her, so I'm going to make sure he knows I wont take any bullshit from him and wont stand for him to be mistreating her).
So her being single is a great way for me to feel like I'm out and about as a young single maiden. I never was one for traipsing around town on a man-hunt anyway though. I think its incredibly funny how blokes and lasses sniff each other out and attempt to impress each other. Its so wild and naturistic that I just feel stupid.
Needless to say I'm an incredible bitch to any poor haplass bastard who tries to snare me in his manly net. I used to feel all giggly and so pleased that someone would come up and talk to me as though I was some kind of princess, but now I'm not so innocent. I groan and roll my eyes when I see any kind of sparkle from a man's eye. Its frustrating to have to keep batting them away like flies. Its like having to wash the dishes. You know its got to be done and its dirty and messy work, but at the end you can put everything away and clap your hands at a job well done. I've gone through every kind of rejection response possible known to man but I've grown so bored with trying to be creative that I rarely even let blokes even start to walk towards me.
I like to pretend I'm adjusting my hair or scratching my face, using my left hand, making sure the diamonds on my wedding band and engagement ring shine so bright that no one can actually see me standing there. It seems to work, which is good. It takes barely any effort and I like things that take little effort.
Hehehe.. I'm such a bitch. Ah well, its gotta be done.
Anyway, my point of this post was actually to complain about the cost of drinks. Amy and I went to this little underground bar for her housemate's going away party which looked like a building from the Flintstones with its curvy walls and strange-shaped little nooks and crannies. We each had a drink - I had my usual Jack & Coke, while she had a Midori & Lemonade (Midori is huge in Australia. Its this green melon tasting spirit thats only 21% alcolohol. I think it tastes like sh*t personally, but it is nice and refreshing). I joked to her that the round would probably be about 10 pounds for the two drinks, and was absolutely flabbagasted when the barman asked for 11.50!!! WTF!??!?! I nearly spat the drink in his face.
Needless to say we didn't stay at the bar long, and left to find a tiny little pub with a much more honest atmosphere. I bought the same round for us and got change from 5 pounds. It makes me sick that the price varies so much. Its not like the atmosphere of the Flintstones-like bar was worth the extra cost at all.
I at least took with me a cute shaped little pack of matches from there. I always take souvenirs from places I go, coz its unlikely I'll ever go back, and I can tell ya know I wont be going back to the Detroit Bar.
Far too pricey for my cheap ass!
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