So the new job is going well. I dont think I've made any monumental fuck-ups, which is great. There are still loads of gaps in my brain, but they're slowly filling in. I've come to realise that Alastair (the boss) is a complete social cunt. He's one of those high up managers with no social skills whatsoever. When asked how I was doing I replied, 'Good. I'm getting along just fine.', and he said surely the job couldn't be that easy. Prick. How stupid does he think I am?
So apart from that, things are just groovy.
I saw Pan's Labyrinth over the weekend and I fucken loved it. It gets my imagination soaring through fairy tales of old etc and methinks I'm going to write my own fairy tales (short stories) and put together a collection that have a similar magical theme.
I also watched The Prestige! Fuck me is that a good film! Christian Bale, always on my 'to-do' list, is absolutely stunning. Its also got Hugh Jackman in it, but I dont find him as hunky dory. The whole magic theme of that film also added to my urge to write fairy tales.
This is kinda bad. Coz for a few weeks now, hmmmm actually months, I've been supposed to be revising Fleeting Life (my Nano novel), but I seem to have hit the breaks on that one. I think rather than trying to force myself to finish it when my heart isn't in it is just going to make it turn out crap.
I'm going to shelve it. Not indefinitely. But just for a while so I can throw myself into writing some fairy tales or short stories, and also get a good start on my book about cloud people.
I've got three books to write this year, and write them I will damn it!
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