The Deep Down N Dirty Meme
Biggest fear: Not being able to eat chocolate anymore. And dying.
Most meglomanical ambition: World domination, of course!
When you’re talking to your boss, you’re usually thinking about: Food. Chocolate to be precise. Or wondering what kind of underwear they're wearing.
Most disgusting habit: Laziness. I almost wet the bed once because I couldn't be bothered to get up and go to the toilet. Luckily at the last second before letting go I realised the effort required to clean up such a mess would be a lot more hassle than actually getting up and going to the loo.
Criteria for judging other people: If they dont worship me then they're definitely filed under 'dickhead' Hehehe.
How do you measure up?: With a tape measure.. or a ruler.
What do you think when you see a fat person eating fast food?: I feel like bitch slapping them and stealing their burger!
How about when you see thin person smoking?: See above but replace 'burger' with 'cigarette' (except I dont smoke)
When you meet someone of the same gender who’s more attractive than you, inside you think: Fucking bitch!
When you meet someone of the opposite gender who’s less attractive than you, inside you think: Piss off you ugly mug and stop breathing your ugly germs on me!
The last lie you told was: See above
Tell us about the time you read someone’s diary/hacked into their emails/went through their stuff: I read real books and stuff that is more interesting than self pitying pathetic crap like someone's journal.. or blog. Heheh. Ooops.
You know that person who you’re secretly jealous of - and there’s a part of you, that you can’t quite suppress, that wishes they would, just for once, get to taste a bit of your luck? Tell us what you hate about them – go on let it all out: Noooo... I would be taken away by men in coats and bad shoes.
The most expensive thing you’ve ever stolen was: Hmmm... I would have to look through all the stuff I've stolen over the past years. I'd mainly just steal cheap stuff... so nothing over a tenner I dont think. Its the sentimental value that would be the most expensive.
Even though all this is true, you’re still a really good person because… I like monkeys.
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