Chapter One of my Nano novel, Fleeting Life, is up and ready to be read.
It was a rush job, but I dont really care. I've got to get something organised to send in for this Writers & Artists Yearbook competition, so I quickly did a spell check, cut a huge chunk of waffle out of the opening paragraphs coz it was slowing it down, and its now ready to show to the Blogworld.
You can find it HERE (opens a new window)
I'm pretty disappointed in myself for not putting 100% of my energy into it. I've realised that I'm just a lazy shit when it comes to actually reading it. I put it off over and over again, but when I do actually get my eyeballs to stick to it for long enough I feel the editor in me start to lash out at the words, cutting, chopping, adding, tweaking & polishing.
So I figure the best thing to do is to just slap it up on my book blog site and be done with it. I've finished messing with Chapter Two and am just about ready to start messing with Chapter Three, but I'm not going to put them up until I've posted off my competition entry on Saturday or Monday.
Now all I need to do is get a one page synopsis written.
I hate writing synopses. It fucken shits me! I just get all muddled up in the details and cant cut it down. I'd better get started asap coz I haven't got long before I have to post it.
Third day of fasting today. I'm doing good and not feeling very hungry at all. I hope doing this doesn't slow my metabolism down. I'm having fresh apple/orange/carrot/ginger juice in the mornings and have been keeping my water intake up. I'm also trying to keep active and not let myself slump into an energyless heap.
I may have to abandon this fasting thing for Friday night though, coz there's one of Martin's colleagues' birthday parties on and I'll be expected to drink. Perhaps if I just have a glass of red I should be ok. It'll probably go to my head faster than usual so I could probably get away with it. But then there's all that luscious party food. Hmmm.. I'll have to think on it.
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