
Friday, June 29, 2007

Well, Fuck Me!

I cant say I'm surprised that I've got a luscious R rating. Although I did at one point have an attack of the guilts and went trawling back through all my posts replacing the word FUCK with F***.

I'm not doing that anymore. This isn't a child's blog, and it shouldn't be viewed by children. Got it, FUCK FACE? Hehehee.

Dont worry.. my words wont hurt you. I just dont want to censor myself when it comes to expression.


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Good for you. I'm not much of a fan of censorship, self- or otherwise.

CL Taylor said...

I did that test and was ashamed to find out that my blog got a PG rating due to my use of the words "death" and "hell"!

Must swear more! ;o)