
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Forlorn Full Moon

Its one of those days... that full moon feeling of strangeness. I feel dreary and forsaken, but not quite sad, if that makes any sense. I feel like I'm searching for something to be sad about.

Perhaps its because I finished reading The Mad Ship by Robin Hobb this morning. Probably. I always feel a little lost when I finish a book. I'm not going to start the next one straight away. When I'm reading, I dont write. So I'm going to get a head start on Nanowrimo and try to do a bit of a writing blitz. If other authors can write a mile a minute, then I can too. I've been so incredibly lazy all year. All I have done is two measely fairy tales, and I haven't even finished either of them.

I must get going on this writing thing if I want to pull myself out of this 9-5 office work slump!

I must!!!

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