
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Party Queen, Living a Life in Luxury!

I'm not sure I am entirely happy with what's written below.. but I do like the part where she received a big fat yearly allowance and lived a lavish life for the rest of her days! (But I would NEVER wear ugly shoes on a date!!!)

Congratulations! You are Anna of Cleves!

Anna of Cleves got the royal shaft. She came all the way to England to become the fourth wife of Henry VIII. Once married to Anna, he refused to consummate the marriage, and called her the "Flanders Mare". Talk about a burn, considering that by this time, Henry was the fattest man in England and had a rotting syphilis sore on his leg.

Anna was miffed, but she was too sensible to let it ruin her fun. She was given an annulment and a fat yearly allowance, and she threw extravagant parties and dined on delicacies for the rest of her life.

Which of Henry VIII's wives are you?
this quiz was made by Lori Fury


Wanderin' Jane said...

I was anne of cleaves as well. Hey and we have a new Kate in town, Jenny gave birth on tuseday evening to a little girl, Kate Faith, she is 10 pounds 3 or 4.6kgs and jenny had a natural birth at home. Jesus, makes your eyes water doesnt it

Marie said...

I'm Anne of Cleaves too.

Kate said...

YAY! My 'Anne of Cleaves' darlings! We rock!!!