
Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Telly!

I'm buying a new TV and DVD player tomorrow!!


We wrote to our bank about two of our accounts that were charged up the arse for going over the overdraft limit (when I wasn't working, before I was married and when I didn't have a visa that allowed me to work. Fucken bullshit visa crap!), and we asked them to give us our £1,400 in charges back.

Martin said 'dont bother', but I didn't want to let it rest and sent them off anyway. Lo and behold we got letters back offering us money in settlement. They didn't even try to fight. Hehehe. So we got back about £1,000!!!

Bloody brilliant!

I got the template of the letters from AOL somewhere. THANK YOU to whoever it was that thunk it up!

So, we're going to splurge on a new flat screen tv that is just ooozing inches. We're also going to get a DVD player, coz our current one groans and moans whenever we put in a DVD. It rarely plays anything now. Damn thing.

I'm soooo looking forward to Saturday night! If we get the TV and stuff delivered in time then we're going to set it up, move the coffee table out of the way, download any stuff we've got to watch off the computer onto CDs (or DVD's I spose!) and camp out in the living room for the night! Cant wait.

Note to self: Buy more Jack Daniels and lots of chocolate. Popcorn too!

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