
Friday, March 14, 2008

Google Docs

Just been playing around with Google Docs. I'd never heard of it before and thought it might be a good tool for writing when I'm not at home. Previously I'd just write in a Word document then email it to myself when I was done for the day, but that added up to sometimes multiple word docs all over the place, and was generally a pain in the arse. Especially if I was using Jerry as well which has to be uploaded into a word document.

I can also publish to my blog from Google Docs. How cool is that?! It would be handy if in my next job I am unable to access blogs... but I dont post very often anyway so I think I'm just stalling on the writing front by testing out groovy new tech stuff.

Procrastination is my middle name!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad that you've found Google Docs useful! - Google Docs marketing manager