
Friday, April 27, 2007

Work. Fucking Work.

Last week the internet access at work was updated and the bastards blocked out access to blogs/newsgroups.

I was not a happy comper (Thats my new slang work for a computer user. Aren't I clever and inventive!)

But, today it seems to be working ok. Strange. I was just starting to get myself used to the fact that I wont be able to blog at lunchtime when suddenly the damn thing started working.

I'm not complaining! I'm just treading lightly in case they take it away again.

I've just been confirming my flights for my trip to New York next week. Should be fucken excellent. Martin and I have planned out where we want to go and what we want to see, and our schedule is pretty good. Not too tight, and not too loose. And there is spare time for extra shopping. Oh, I cant wait. DSW is my favourite shoe shop, and I plan to come home with at least 5 new pairs of strappy sandals for summer, or whatever other bargains there are. No doubt all the sales will be on for winter boots to clear them out, but I'm hoping I'll be able to have first pick at the new summer ranges. Mmm... I'm going to be dreaming of shoes right up until I leave, methinks!

I'm without a book, though. I just finished The Life of Pi this morning, and I tell ya, the ending was a fucking disappointment. You read the whole book thinking that this bloke spent 7 months floating in a lifeboat on the pacific ocean with a 450 pound bengal tiger, but then at the end when he is being interrogated by the owners of the ship he was on that sunk he blabs on about how he thought the story he told with the tiger and other animals that he was stranded on the lifeboat with was just a figment of his religion-influenced imagination and that he thought it sounded better that he describe his fellow survivors as animals rather than as the people they actually were...

I was soooo pissed off. I still am. I dont know what to believe. The book leads you to believe that it was all true, but then the ending leaves you wondering.

I should have realised it was going to fuck up at the end by all the religious dribble the guy was blabbing on about at the start of the book.

Another reason why I'm not a big fan of religions. They addle the mind!

Anyway, so I'm without a book to read. I know my Mum, who is in NY, has bought me a load of books but I need something to read until then. Hmm.. only a few days though. Perhaps I could take Jerry with me in the mornings on the train to write and finish my fairy tales instead.

Yes. Sounds like a plan.

1 comment:

Wanderin' Jane said...

Hey hope you both have fun on the NY trip, give my love to your folks.
Talk to you soon
Love Jane