
Saturday, May 09, 2009

What's Next?

Well, the last few months have wandered by fairly uneventfully.

I did turn 31, though. It was Easter Saturday, and I had arrived in Australia the night before, so I had all my family around me. My Ma cooked her usual lamb roast (god, my mouth waters just thinking about it), and my older sister baked me a cake. Hooray! She didn't put icing on it, and she already cut it before she threw it in front of me. Hehehe. It was a nice thought, though.

So I had two weeks in Oz, soaking up the sun and enjoying the Easter festivities. For anyone wondering what to do for Easter, go to Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. The Easter parade on the Monday is famous for having the longest chinese dragon in the world. Its enoooormous!

The reason for my trip to Oz was to see my little sister have a baby! I was only in Oz for two weeks, so it was a bit of a gamble that she'd have it while I was there.

But she did!

On the Monday of the second week she started having minor pains for a while, and by Thursday morning (after a full day and night in hard labour - damn its hard to watch someone in that much pain!) she had a little baby girl.

Little Mina weighed 6lb 11oz, and everything went very smoothly. I was on video camera duty, so I saw the whole thing and had the best view. I tell ya, it was pretty damn amazing!

Everything has kinda slumped back into 'same old same old' now. I'm back in the UK, back at work, back in my little flat. I get to chat to my family on the computer every now and again, but its not the same as being there. But my sister says its 'same old same old' there too, so its an anticlimax all around. Little Mina eats, sleeps and shits... so I guess I'm not missing much.

Writing has taken a back seat again. How uninterestingly predictable. I do think about it constantly, though.

I'll get there one day.

Anyway, here's a pic of me holding the new bub, or is she holding me?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

New Life To Fleeting Life

So, the snow has been very helpful. Apart from giving me time off work - coz I have to catch two trains to get to work and both the Southeastern and the Southern lines were having a teeny bit of trouble with the snowflakes - its giving me time to write.

And write I did.

I'm getting back into my NaNoWriMo novel which, although completed with over 50,000 words, it wasn't completed completed. I finished Nano, but I cant actually say I have a completed novel on my hands. A lot of it was rough, and the storyline was a bit gappy. I need to add in a whole 'nother character, plus I'm thinking of adding in a twist to the plot aka Twilight style. (Gee, can ya guess what I'm talking about?).

I've never really been into the whole vamp novel thing, but 2009 seems like a good year to start afresh, so I'm going to see what I can do. Fleeting Life isn't going to be a vamp novel per se, but it will lead to one. Fleeting Life is actually a ghost novel. Well, sort of. Well, kinda sorta, but, umm... oh never mind. I dunno what it is. And I think its best I dont try to define it.

So, how's it going? Good, I think. I re-hashed the first chapter with a heart-thumping new section in it where the hero and heroine meet. I think its a must if I'm aiming for the younger market. I think the novel lacked a bit of heart and emotion anyway. Hopefully the snow will continue so I can take more time off to write more, but I'm happy with the new ideas I'm coming up with.

Hey, and I'm blogging again. What a long break its been. Its been an iffy start to the year, but hopefully I can find some semblance of an ordered life and start getting back on track.

Come on, SNOW goddamit!


Just testing a sidebar blogger buddy thingy

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Have A Happy New Year - I Dare You!

What a crappy start to the New Year.

I woke New Years Day with the beginnings of a three-day migraine! I only had three drinks the night before, so I dunno what brought that on!

Then as I was cleaning up my sister buzzed me on the computer and told me that one of her friends couldn't handle moving into 2009 and had hanged herself. Shame. She was awesome, and I'll miss her loads.

Then I had to go to work on Friday coz I was too stupid to book it off as holiday, and I think at some point between leaving my house and getting home I lost my wallet. All my bank cards and stuff. Gone. And its soooo frustrating!!!

To add to that after making loads of phone calls trying to find my wallet, and canceling all my cards, my phone battery went dead and my phone charger refuses to work.

It has been kind of liberating though. I've spent the last month or two accumulating possessions for my new flat, so I suppose it was things trying to balance out. I wandered around town with my friend who is staying with me and I felt oddly liberated not having my phone or wallet on me. My watch band broke a week ago, so I also didn't have a watch on. I was timeless and free. It was actually pretty cool (except for the sad sad news of my sister's friend weighing on my mind).

Santa was good to me, though. Amongst some lovely gifts I received Stephanie Meyer's 'Twilight'. Its out at the cinema at the moment, but I've got to read it first. The first chapter had me completely hooked and I'm now trying to slow down and enjoy it. Its looking good so far. I haven't read for a while now and I feel like I'm putting my feet back on the ground.

So, there it is. Happy New Year. It can only get better. My wardrobes, bookcases, and microwave are being delivered on Wednesday, and I hear its supposed to snow.

OH - almost forgot the most important news of all. The NEW Doctor! The 11th Doctor! Matt Smith eh? I was a little taken aback by his somewhat odd looks, but he interviewed well and I'm thinking he could be a good edition to the Doctor Who clan. I await Spring 2010 eagerly! (But I will always love David Tennant as the Doctor!)